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- It's simple but replay-able.
- Sagrada is a beautiful game!
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- It's a luck-based game.
- Atmospheric, but not in the way you'd expect.
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Sagrada is a game of “dice drafting and window crafting” from Floodgate Games where players compete to construct a stained glass window masterpiece while gaining extra prestige through the completion of public and secret objectives and even calling upon the church for favours from time to time in order to achieve their goal.
Played in a series of 10 rounds, this abstract family game by Adrian Adamescu and Daryl Andrews sees players drafting dice from a central pool and adding them to the window grid on their lavishly illustrated player boards. Players are given two window cards during set-up and can choose a window pattern from the four available sides – they all offer different dice placement options and vary in complexity.
Each round the first player will draw two dice per player, plus one additional die and roll them (so seven dice in a three-player game, for example). They will then choose a die to add to their window – the drafting continues in a clockwise direction until the last player has completed their turn – the last player will then take another turn as the drafting direction shifts to anti-clockwise, ending on the first player who will be left with a choice of two dice.
Placement rules are such that a new die must be placed adjacent (either orthogonally or diagonally) to previously placed dice and no numbers of the same value or same coloured dice are ever allowed to sit orthogonally adjacent to each other. This presents a nice little special puzzle that some often compare to the popular number-placement puzzle, Sudoku.
Three public objectives are drawn at the start of each game and can give players extra points when achieved. These can relate to filling rows or columns with colour varieties or counting up numbers of shades in their window. Each player also has a private objective that gives them points equivalent to the visible dice pips on a specific colour of dice in their window.
Favour tokens can be spent on using tools – three of which are revealed during set-up – and these tools can give players special abilities that can aid them in times of need. But watch out, once a player has used a tool it becomes more expensive for subsequent use.
Sagrada has proved to be a popular family game, and despite being recommended for ages 13+ on the box, it can easily be enjoyed by children of a younger age. It is pretty simple and quick to play while being very engaging and fun.
Player Count: 1-4
Time: 30-45 Minutes
Age: 13+

Sagrada takes its name from a place, the ‘Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família’, aka Gaudi’s vast, unfinished church in Barcelona. The game tasks you with creating stained glass windows through drafting dice and they’ve gone the extra mile to make this a tactile treat.
Your Window
You start the game be selecting a window card. There are 12, each double-sided, and on it is a pattern of colours, numbers and white spaces which will become crucial in your task. The game could have left you with just the window cards, but instead it comes with four wonderful cardboard frames that your card slides into, each notched to secure dice and give the window vibe a firm, 100 per cent upgrade. Then each player takes a private objective card (these are all ‘add the pips on dice of a particular colour’), and public objective cards are laid out (e.g. columns with no repeat colours.)
Columns, colours? Here’s how you play. There are 10 rounds, and at the start of each one dice are drawn from a bag: two dice per player, plus one more. There are 90 dice, each D6 but of five different colours, and when they’ve been randomly drawn from the bag players take it in turns to select one and add it to a slot on their window card.
The twist is that you have to put dice next to another one diagonally or orthogonality (unless it’s the first die of the turn, then it’s against the edges), but you can’t put the same colour directly next to each other, you can’t put the same number on the dice directly next to each other, and the dice have to fit in with the colours and numbers shown on your window card. So you take it in turns to pick and play dice (moving clockwise first, until the last player takes two dice and you work back anti clockwise until you’ve taken one each), discard the remainder, and continue for 10 turns, aiming to fill your window.
Dice, Beautiful Dice
Two brilliant things are happening here. Firstly, you are constantly battling to achieve your objectives, working with what you’ve got (and yes, it is luck based), by fitting different colours and numbers alongside each other. A stain glass window has you building a pattern, and this does too, albeit to a far more arcane requirement.

What else is happening? The dice! They are clear, coloured and look wonderful, almost glowing as you place them. The fact they’re slightly transparent and being built up in a large cardboard window really gives the game an odd beauty as you put it all together. Add this to the fact all the game components carry the theme through, and you have a wonderful aesthetic and a tactile treat.
There are other rules. Before each game a number of tool cards are drawn, and these can be tactically played to swap dice, re-roll dice and other benefits that can really help at the close of a game. Scoring is done by totting up all the objectives and reducing scores for blank spaces in your window. That said, while the game looks and feels wonderful and light, the Sagrada theme does feel a bit pasted on to the gameplay: there’s the nagging doubt in your mind that stained glass windows get cut and shaped not built out of leftovers. Yes the dice look like clear glass, but you don’t feel you’re building a window, rather than fighting to create a filled colourful puzzle card.
The game’s looks and design give you a feel of rich atmosphere, but not of a finished window. It’s a subtle distinction, but worth mentioning.
Sagrada Conclusions
This is a swift game to teach, and in general terms a quick game to play. It’s a feast for the eyes and a puzzle for the mind, but luck does play a major part. Even with the tools, it’s possible for the dice you need to simply not appear in the last few turns, before players even get a chance to block you. It’s a puzzle, but not a balanced one every time, and that’s going to annoy people.
I’m sure someone good at probability can show this isn’t true, but Sagrada feels more prone to luck than the game it’s frequently compared to, Azul. Both share a richly tactile and visual nature, both came out around the same time, both can fit into your collection, although I suspect only one will call to you. For me, Sagrada has the visual and thematic edge, Azul the gameplay.
In Sagrada, players are competing to build the most beautiful stained glass window for the Sagrada Familia. In order to do this, players draft dice of different colours and values. They are trying to meet different criteria during the game, both public and hidden. At the end of the game, the player with the most points will have created the most beautiful window and wins the game.
Set Up
Game Set Up
Place the round track in the middle of the play area. Then shuffle all the tool cards. These tool cards can help players complete their window by changing the rules of the game in one way, only on the turn they are used. Three tool cards are in play each game and these are placed face up in the middle of the table.
Next, shuffle all public objective cards (which have the blue die on the back). Place three face up in the middle of the table. These show the ways in which points are scored at the end of the game.
Place all 90 dice in the black dice bag. A starting player is randomly assigned and they take the dice bag.
Player Set Up
Firstly, shuffle the private objective cards with the gray die on the back and give one to each player. This will tell them which colour of die they can score points for at the end of the round.
Each player then receives a window frame player board and two window pattern cards. These cards are double sided. The player then has to choose which window pattern card they will try to complete. They can look at their private objective card to help with this decision. The window patterns range in difficulty from three to six pips. Players receive the number of favour tokens (which can help them use tools to complete their windows) indicated on the card.
Players then place their score marker, of the same colour as their board next to the round track. Finally, they slide their window pattern card into the bottom of the player board.
Play can then begin.
Sagrada takes place over 10 rounds. At the start of each round, the starting player draws a number of dice from the bag and rolls them. The number of dice they should pick depends on the number of players. Five dice are used in a two-player game, seven dice in a three-player game and nine dice in a four-player game. There should always be one die left over after every player has picked two dice.
On their turn, a player can select (draft) a die from the draft pool and place it in their window. However, there are certain restrictions on where a die can be placed – these are set out further below. A player can also choose to use a tool card by spending favour tokens. Both actions are optional so a player could choose to do nothing on their turn.
In each round every player will have two turns. Once the last player, clockwise, has completed their first turn, they then immediately take a second turn. Play then moves back round the table anticlockwise until the first player has had their second turn.
Placement restrictions
A player can place their first die anywhere around the edge of their window as long as it matches any value or colour restriction of a space. White spaces have no value or colour restriction and any dice can be placed there. If a space is of a certain colour, only dice of that same colour can go there. There is no value restriction on such spaces. If a space is grey and shows the value of a die, only dice of that value can be placed there. There is no colour restriction on these spaces.
Each die after the first must be placed adjacent to a previously placed die. This can be either horizontal, vertical or diagonal. However, a die may not be placed in such a way it would be vertically or horizontally next to a die of the same colour and/or number.
If a player sees that a die has been placed in breach of the placement rules, it must immediately be removed.
Using tool cards
During the game, players may use their favour tokens to play a tool card. The first player to use a specific tool card will only have to pay one token. Later players will have to pay two favour tokens to use the same card. Players should then follow the text on the tool card.
There are a variety of different benefits on the tool cards. These include being able to ignore number or colour restrictions and being able to replace a die from the draft pool.
Tool cards can be useful, but a player does not have to use them at all if they do not wish to do so.
End of the round
Once all players have had two turns, it is the end of the round. Any dice left in the draft pool should be placed on the round track, on the number of the round which has just taken place. If there is more than one die left, they go on the same space.
The dice bag is then passed clockwise to the next player. They become the starting player for the next round. The game ends after 10 rounds.
Game End and Scoring
Once the tenth round of Sagrada has finished, clear all dice off the round track and flip it over. This will reveal the score track.
Players get points for the objective cards and favour tokens left at the end of the game. Each player gains victory points from their private objective card by adding up the value of all dice of that colour in their tableau. They then receive points for each public objective card. If the player meets the requirement, they can score points for the same card several times. Players then get one point for each favour token left at the end of the game. However, they lose one point for each open space on their window.
The player with the most points wins Sagrada. If there is a tie, the player with the most points from private objectives wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most remaining favour tokens wins. If there is still a tie, the player who went last (of the tied players) in the first turn of the final round wins.
Hints and Tips
- Try not to place a die next to a space with a matching requirement. For example, try not to place a yellow three next to a square with a requirement for either a yellow dice or a dice with the number three. If you do this you will not be able to place a die on the other space without using a tool, as you would otherwise be breaking the placement restrictions. Empty spaces are worth negative points, so plan carefully when placing your dice.
- Where possible, use high value dice of the colour of your private objective card. Remember that the value of these dice counts towards your overall score.
- Make the most of being the last player. Remember that the last player gets to take two consecutive turns and this can really help towards building your window.
- Spread across the board as quickly as you can. You can only place dice next to a previously placed dice, so spreading across the board will give you more placement options.
- Tools can be valuable but are most useful later in the game. Although you may end up having to pay two favour tokens rather than one, tools can be more helpful in the later stages of the game when it is harder to place dice. So, don’t be afraid to wait until later in the game to use them.
Zatu Score
- Artwork
- Complexity
- Replayability
- Player Interaction
- Component Quality
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- It's simple but replay-able.
- Sagrada is a beautiful game!
Might not like
- It's a luck-based game.
- Atmospheric, but not in the way you'd expect.