Cascadia – Landmarks
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In Cascadia: Landmarks expansion, players create sprawling habitats and place beautiful natural landmarks within them. Landmarks give each environment its own look and feel, while also providing dynamic endgame scoring bonuses!
In addition to the Landmarks module, this expansion includes more unique wildlife scoring cards and habitat tiles to add variety and enough components to play Cascadia with 5-6 players.

When Cascadia was released, I thought that there wasn’t ever going to be an expansion. I thought the game was close to perfect as it was, except for maybe a promo pack of additional animals to be released. All that changed when it won the Spiel Des Jahres in 2022. Now, Flatout Games have announced the Cascadia expansion, titled Cascadia: Landmarks, is due to be released in Q4 of 2023. The BGG details we have so far allow players to include natural landmarks in their sprawling habitats, granting dynamic endgame scoring bonuses.
In addition, more wildlife scoring cards and habitat tiles are being added to give even more variety to keep old players involved and enough components to add a 5th and 6th player to the game. Keep an eye out for Landmarks to pop up later this year.