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Minas Tirith's armies are the greatest of all the realms of Men - disciplined, superbly equipped and led by veterans of the wars with Harad and Mordor. Each warrior in Minas Tirith's army is trained to wield a variety of weapons, from the humble sword or bow, to the deadly knight's lance. It is these valiant warriors who defend the walls of the White City against the legions of Mordor, and protect her lands from the threat of invasion. Of all the men in Middle-earth, it would be hard to find a better armed or armoured warrior than a man of Gondor.
This plastic boxed set contains 32 components, with which to build 24 Warriors of Minas Tirith: 8 with bow, 8 with sword and shield, and 8 with spear and shield. This set comes with 24 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.

There is not much construction involved with the Minas Tirith warriors as they are mostly all together from the sprue with only a few needing an extra piece added in, and these extra pieces are usually needed due to what would be a protruding element of the model. This makes them quick and easy to assemble and ultimately easier to get painted sooner than when you would usually have to wait and let a model dry.
Minas Tirith warriors were for the most part easy to paint with the hardest element being the detail on the shields for these models, that last step is best taken with extra care and best done with careful dabs instead of brush strokes. The paint that I used for these models is as followed:
- Leadbelcher – entire model
- Abbadon black – undergarment aspects of the model, the gloves and centre of the shield
- Mournfang brown – hilt and belt detail, bows and spears for relevant models
- Nuln oil shade – over the entire model to give it all detail and make the surfaces stand out
- XV-88 – bows feather details
- Agrax earthshade – going over the bows feathers to give them detail and make them standout
- Retributor armour – covering the gold details of the sword hilt and crossguard
- Corax white – covering the face and carefully the small details of the shield
- Reikland fleshshade – covering the white of the face to create a flesh look and covering the retributor armour of the sword details
Taking the soldiers into battle is a fun way for you to form the basics of an army for the game of middle earth strategy battle game, they are easy to bring into the game and are cheap enough in the costs of the game making it so that you can form a massive force to fend off against his foes. A box of Minas Tirith warriors provides the best starting number for an army sent from the city with the white tree, as you will get a variety of different posing models of the three different weapon types they can bring. As they can wield one of the following, a sword, a spear or a bow each bringing their own advantages to the battle each being encouraged within the fight. Your bows will help you reach far into the distance with your shots, your spears allowing you to fend off foes even while trapped in a crowd and the swords the best weapon for close quarters. These guys may not stand out in a crowd but together they can form a fierce crowd that you will not want to face off against.
Overall this small squad of soldiers is great for any good players for middle earth strategy battle game and the easiest way into a brighter future against the forces of evil.